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AQA  A Level Religious Studies

What’s it about?

Philosophy of religion is critical reflection on our fundamental beliefs. It is an ‘ideas’ subject, and all you need to begin philosophy is a fascination with ideas, or with ‘the big questions’ such as ‘Does God exist?’ and ‘What is evil?’ 

Ethics and religion is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action for people. It attempts to answer the question, “What do I do?” It is the study of right and wrong in human endeavours. At a more fundamental level, it is the method by which we categorise our values and pursue them. Do we pursue our own happiness, or do we sacrifice ourselves to a greater cause?  

The study of religion covers fundamental teachings and beliefs of Christianity. At the Canterbury Academy we seek to tackle these issues through a variety of engaging teaching methods.  

Entry Requirements:

We would recommend a grade 6 at GCSE in a humanities subject and/or a grade 6 at GCSE in English. 


Mrs. C. Horii – Director of Teaching and Learning

    The Canterbury Academy Sixth Form

    Course Content

    There are two components: 

    Component 1: Philosophy of religion and ethics and religion:

    • Arguments for the existence of God
    • Evil and suffering
    • Religious experience
    • Religious language
    • Miracles
    • Self and life after death.
    • Ethical theories
    • Issues of human life and death
    • Issues of animal life and death
    • Introduction to meta ethics
    • Free will and moral responsibility
    • Conscience
    • Bentham and Kant.

    Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues:

    Students will study component 2b- Christianity and covers the following topics:

    Section A: Study of religion

    • Sources of wisdom and authority
    • God/gods/ultimate reality
    • Self, death and the afterlife
    • Good conduct and key moral principles
    • Expression of religious identity
    • Religion, gender and sexuality
    • Religion and science
    • Religion and secularisation
    • Religion and religious pluralism.

    Section B: The dialogue between philosophy of religion and religion

    • How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on philosophy of religion in relation to the issues studied.

    Section C: The dialogue between ethical studies and religion

    • How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on ethical studies in relation to the issues studied.


    Students will sit all their exams at the end of the course.

    There are two assessed components. Students must take assessments in both Component 1 and Component 2 in the same exam series.

    A Level assessment: 2 written exams

    Paper 1: Philosophy of religion and ethics: 3 hours 

    Two compulsory two-part questions. 

    100 marks   50% of final grade. 

    Paper 2: Study of religion: 3 hours

    Two compulsory two-part questions. 

    50 marks   50% of final grade. 


      A Level Religious Studies is excellent preparation for a degree in humanities related courses. It can lead on to a wide choice of careers and can be combined with a wide range of social science and humanities subjects. 


      The Canterbury Academy Sixth Form Course List